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Roadway Construction Zone Accidents

Georgia roads are dangerous under normal circumstances, but during road construction there is an even greater chance of being involved in a serious car accident. Heavy duty equipment, difficult conditions for workers and drivers, human error, poorly marked construction areas, improper signage to help drivers, negligent flaggers at the scene, and other factors can combine to cause even a safe driver to have a serious accident in a construction zone. Further, throughout Georgia these construction zones are often made more dangerous by negligent drivers who follow too closely or drive at unsafe speeds. The experienced personal injury attorneys at The Cummins Firm represent clients who are injured by negligent conduct at a road construction zone, and we have helped many clients obtain the compensation they deserve.

Causes of Accidents in Work and Construction Zones

We all deal with construction zones while driving, and we encounter warning signs that advise caution while driving through the work zones and threaten higher fines for traffic violations in these areas. Construction zones can be risky for road construction workers, but there's also a great amount of danger facing vehicle drivers who are driving through these construction zones. In fact, reports show that 4 out of 5 people killed in roadway construction zone accidents across the US are not construction workers, but rather drivers and passengers traveling through construction zone areas. 

Common causes of construction zone accidents include

  • negligent flagging
  • incorrect or missing signage, cones or barrels
  • dangerous traffic lane switches and edge of pavement drop offs
  • construction equipment projecting into a driver's lane of travel
  • construction equipment and workers blocking a driver's view of other traffic
  • construction truck and equipment operators failing to see approaching drivers and entering into traffic.

All drivers should reduce their speed when entering a road construction zone. Obeying warning signs and staying alert as vehicles converge into only one or two lanes helps protect construction workers, and helps protect all vehicle drivers. However, even when you are cautious it can be difficult to avoid an accident if a flagger or road construction worker creates a dangerous situation by being careless on the job.

The attorneys at The Cummins Firm have experience in exactly these types of cases. We have successfully resolved claims involving dangerous road construction zones, negligent traffic direction by flaggers, and injuries caused by uneven or drop off pavement conditions. Construction zone cases require a specialized background of experience because they usually involve many parties such as governmental DOT entities, construction contractors, and subcontractors. Many times, these multiple parties point the finger of blame at each other, rather than taking responsibility and paying for the damages they cause. Therefore, construction zone cases always require thorough investigation into the safety precautions and conditions at the construction scene, violations of safety regulations, and other important factors that will affect compensation for injured drivers.

Contact Experienced Injury Attorneys After a Construction Zone Accident

In most cases construction zone workers do their best to keep the area safe for drivers. However, where a road construction zone has been negligently or carelessly maintained, putting drivers and the public at risk of injury or death, the legal team at The Cummins Firm stands ready to help accident victims and their families. If you or someone you love has been injured in a construction zone accident, please contact our office today at 678-590-5590 or via email at this link for a free, confidential consultation. We represent clients in construction zone accidents throughout the state of Georgia, including people injured in Newnan, Atlanta, Douglasville, Carrollton and Columbus.

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